The mission of Langley Church of God is #beingthechurch. It is our desire to be an active,
thriving church in our community and to the world.
The vision of our church is to be GOD FOCUSED (Everything we do is about Jesus), DISCIPLE MAKING (Encouraging, Equipping &
Empowering people to grow in their faith and live for a bigger purpose), COMMUITY ENGAGED (Actively engaging our community
through outreach and our world through missions.)
Sundays at 9 & 11am
Wednesday at 6:30pm
Here at Langley COG we have many ministries that are connecting families and making disciples.
Below is just a few of the ministries. We believe that each ministry connects familes drawing them closer to God. We desgin each minitry in a
way that they make disciples fo Christ followers.
Sunday Mornings is a time for
The Gathering. Here we hear a
relevant message and Spirit-led
sermon videos
Missions is a key part of Langley
Church of God. Missions
support is given to three areas:
local, national and international.
This includes supporting local
ministries, working with the
Home for Children, sending
teams around the US and the
world. This also includes
support to many national and
international ministries.
Lifegroups are a varitiey of
discipleship groups that meet
either on campus or in homes.
Our leaders are passionate
about encouraging, equiping &
empower believers to grow and
serve in their faith.
get connected
Children ages 0 - 12 get to
experience the exciting lessons
and songs of Glow Kids (6 - 12)
and Glow Worms (3 -5) and
Glow Bugs (0 - 2). Each worker
is passonate about helping each
child experience the love of
Meet our team
A team is the key to making disciples. There are many who work together to bring sucess in
ministry and glory to God.
Pastors Edward and Carol Hardee has a passion for leading people into a growing
relationship with Christ and equipping people to connect with their community. They have
almost 30 years of pastoral experience. Pastor Hardee has served on many boards and
positions throughout the Church of God. They have four children and two grandchildren
whom they are very proud of.
Raul & Angela Trevino
Raul & Angela have been leading worship
for over 21 years. They have a passion for
God and a desire for the lost.
Thad Ashley
Thad has been leading students for over
20 years.
Chay Ashley
Chay has a desire to see children grow
and glow in Christ.
Fill form out below
Marsha Webb
Volunteer Ministries Coordinator
Marsha has been in ministry for over ___
years. She has been a pastor’s wife,
administrator and director of HOPE
Ministries of the Valley
George Webb
Pastoral Care Pastor
George has been in ministry for over ___
years. George has been a senior pastor
and director of HOPE Ministries of the
Rachel &
Rodney Soto
Young at Heart Directors
Rodney and Rachel has a passion for
working with senior adults. They are both
nurses and enjoy have a great time.